Faery Guided Visualization

Faery Guided Visualization


rrao + kiki & the cosmic egg collab provides the ulimate listening experience for astral travel into the realms of fae. Perfect for equinox and solstice, or for any time you want a ritual to play in delight in the faery realms. This download includes a guided meditation and instrumental only version by rrao.

Get Faeried

The inspiration for this guided visualization came during a session given by Reiki master Turiya Madireddi–my collaborator, rrao–in which faeries began to appear. From there I was directed to meditate and meet with them deeper in my meditation, after more of the music and my own visualization.

The history and ancient knowledge of these beings remains all over the world. It is an open portal there for you to witness. Every continent and island has their own version of faeries: there are Polynesian faeries, Celtic, Native American, Japanese, African, and so on. Many cultures have their own beings of this realm.

In this journey one can find magic and emotion, in fantastical places and sensations. These beings come in all shapes and sizes, and remember: some are more mischievous than others.

Recommendations for your experience:

1) Use your intuition, focusing at the point between your brows.
2) Make a tea. As you boil the herbs, place an intention in them and drink that intention.
3) Begin with scrying: astral projection through a reflective surface, like a bowl of water or crystals. Just be sure to not use a mirror.
4) Find a place of solitude and a comfortable seat or resting place.
5) Create an altar with candles and primrose if you feel moved to.
6) As you journey, do not accept any gifts from the beings.
7) Know that you can come back to your body at any time by taking deep breaths and slow movements into your fingers and toes.

Suggested tea blends for increasing the 6th sense:

• Hawthorn berries, spearmint, white oak bark, witch hazel bark, ginger
• Sassafras leaf, chamomile, ginseng
• Catnip, mugwort, wintergreen, cinnamon
• Damiana, valerian, eyebright
• Jasmine (tea and incense)
• Primrose

Art and reading by Kiki

Sounds by rrao, Turiya Madireddi

Design by Liz Pavlovic

Mastered by Keith Fullerton Whitman