Samhain Thin Veil Service

Samhain Thin Veil Service


Receive messages from illuminated ancestors and departed loved ones with a recording including private candle and tarot service for you. You will receive the recording within a week of your order from Kiki & the Cosmic Egg.

Your ancestors have bountiful messages of wisdom and insight for you. Samhain / Dia de los Muertos is prime time to connect into the realms of those who have passed and those whom you may not even yet realize are illuminated for your protection and serve as guidance to you.

I’m offering to receive and provide messages to you in connection to your illuminated ancestors and those who have passed on for a limited time.

The last day to purchase ($39) this service is November 2. Send special requests and details to me in the form below.

Everyone who participates will receive their recording within the week of their order.

Born on the day of Samhain with a Scorpio stellium and 5 Hierophant life path, all 6 clairs, I am deeply connected to this realm.

***Please note I do not make any guarantees to contact anyone specifically. What ever comes through comes through, though you are welcome to ask and make requests, I cannot make and will not perform any guarantees.

***Reminder you will receive your video recording 1 week after purchase.

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